Student Solution


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1 University

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2 Subjects

Week 2 Discussion 2

Week 2  Discussion 2

Q What are the potential advantages and disadvantages of a compressed work week? Would you want to work in a compressed work week? Why or why not? Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.

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Compressed work week is trending concept for new millennial generation. Compressed work refers to 4-day full work schedule of 10 hours in return to a long weekend of 3 days. According to Uhl-Bien, Schermerhorn & Osborn (2014), adopting for compressed work week allows an organization to ensure work life balance for its employees. Compressed work week is a suitable choice for jobs with deadlines and several time zones, but one also must be aware about one’s own nature and approach to work. Along with work-from-home options, this trend is also increasingly becoming popular for both employer and the employees due to ample of facilities it provides.